Friday, December 21, 2018

Reservoir Sampling

Goal : Choose a sample of $k$ items from a list $S$ containing $n$ items, where $n$ is either unknown or very large. For instance, a stream of numbers coming in.

Lets start with the procedure and then prove why this correct.
  1. Keep the first k items in an array (we call this a reservoir)
  2. When the $i^{th}$ item arrives, $i > k$
    1. With the probability $k/i$, keep the new item, discarding an old one selected uniformly at random from the reservoir.
    2. With probability $1-k/i$, reject this new item.

Now, lets take an example and work out this math, Lets take k = 10
  1. For the first $10$ items, add them to the reservoir with probability $1$
  2. When the $11^{th}$ item comes, it is
    • added to the reservoir with probability $10/11$
    • Now, what is the probability of an item $I$ which was already present in the reservoir when the $11^{th}$ item came ?
$p_{required} = $ (the 11th element is chosen and it replaces an element other than $I$ ) or (the 11th element is rejected) \begin{align} &= 10/11 * 9/10 +(1-10/11) \\ &= 9/11+1/11 \\ &= 10/11 \end{align}

So, all the elements in the reservoir stay with the probability of $10/11$ Lets work out what happens when the $12^{th}$ element comes.
  1. It is added to reservoir with probability $10/12$
  2. What is the probability that element $I$ (which was present in the reservoir)" will stay ?
    • $= 10/11 * ( 10/12 * 9/10 + (1-10/12) )$

    • $= 10/11 ( 9/12 + 2/12) = 10/11 * 11/12 = 10/12 $

The $10/11$ factor in the above equation comes from the previous round. Thus, all elements in the reservoir have a probability of $10/12$.

How do we code this up ?
Input: Elements S[1..n], we want to sample k elements where $k << n$
  1. Allocate reservoir $R$ of size $k$
  2. for $i$ = $1$ to $k$
    $R[i] = S[i]$
  3. For $i = k + 1$ to n
    $j$ = $random(1,i)$ // inclusive
    if $j <= k$
    $R[j] = S[i]$

Lets see how this code is equivalent to what we computed earlier, in an inductive way.
  1. Lets assume after round $i - 1$, each element in the reservoir stays with the probability $k/(i-1)$
  2. For round i, we have
    1. New element stays with probability $k/i$
    2. Old element stays with probability :
      $= \frac{k}{i - 1} (\frac{k}{i} * \frac{k - 1}{k} + (1 - \frac{k}{i}))$
      $= \frac{k}{i-1}\frac{i-1}{i} $
      $= \frac{k}{i} $ as required

Reservoir sampling with random sort
  1. Assign a random number as a key to each item
  2. Sort these items and maintain k items with minimum key values
This can be easily implemented using a heap.

Distributed Reservoir Sampling
  • What if we have huge amounts of data? It is desirable to distributed sampling tasks among many machines in parallel
  • A Simple approach: Distributed sort with a random key like above and pick top k elements .
But this is too costly.

Instead, we

  1. Distribute data among m machines
  2. Each machine $c$ does its own sampling using a random key and produces a sample of size <= $k$ items
  3. Collect all samples $n^{'} <= mk$
  4. Sample $k$ items from these $n^{'}$ items using the same random key

If we want to associate a weight $W_i$ with each item, then the random key can be scaled as $r^{1/w_i}$. That is, higher the weight bigger the key.

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